

The sacrament of baptism is one of three sacraments of initiation in the Catholic Church. Although every sacrament offers us the opportunity to encounter God in a profound way, baptism holds a special place in the Church, for baptism is the door that leads to every other sacrament. Children six years old and under are received through infant baptism. We celebrate this beautiful sacrament at community ceremonies.

Parents wishing to have their child baptized at Holy Redeemer must first register for baptism. Due to the number of baptism requests we receive weekly, we process all new paperwork, as it arrives. As we schedule baptisms on a 'first come, first serve' system, it is best to turn in all required paperwork as soon as possible.


1. The family should be registered in a parish. If the parish is different from Holy Redeemer, you should ask for a Letter of Permission in your parish to baptize at Holy Redeemer.

2. Fill out a Baptism Registration Form. You can pick up the form at the parish office or download it below.

  • If applicable, please submit proof of custody. Both parents MUST CONSENT to the baptism and sign the Baptism Registration Form.

3. Copy of the birth certificate of the child who is going to be baptized.

4. The godparents need to fill out the Godparent Eligibility Form. They should bring the form to the parish that they are registered to be signed and sealed. The child can have two godparents (if there are two, it should be male and female) or just one godparent (male or female). The godmother or godfather (Padrino/ Madrina), accepts the responsibility of helping the person grow in the Catholic faith. One who acts as a godparent for a child agrees to help the parents teach their child about the faith and how to live as a practicing Catholic. For a person to act as a godparent for Baptism, he or she must:

  • Be at least 16 years old
  • Not be the parents or grandparents of the child
  • Have all the initiation sacraments: Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, and still receiving Communion (practicing catholic).
  • They can be single or married, but if they are married, it should be a Catholic marriage. If the person has a civil marriage or is cohabiting, he or she CANNOT be a godparent.

5. Parents and godparents are required to attend a Pre-Baptismal Seminar. This class is meant to help you better understand and prepare for the sacrament of Baptism and your role as the child's first and primary source of faith and understanding. You may do it wherever you can, but we need proof that you took it. Our parish has Baptismal Seminars once a month on a Friday from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm simultaneously in English and in Spanish. You need to register at the parish office to attend the Baptism seminar at Holy Redeemer.

6. The parish asks for a $50 donation for materials related to the baptism and Seminar, which is due with registration.


Once all of the paperwork has been turned in and reviewed, the parents will be contacted to schedule the family's Pre-Baptismal Seminar and the Baptism date. All forms must be submitted prior to scheduling a date for the preparation class or the baptism.

If you need more information, you can contact Maria Falcon at (407) 847-2500 Ext 212 or mfalcon@hredeemer.org 



All required documents must be mailed or turned in to the parish office. 



  1. What information is needed to schedule a Baptism?

The Baptism Registration Form, Godparent Eligibility Form for each godparent, a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate, and attendance to the Pre-Baptismal Seminar for parents and godparents. If applicable, a Letter of Permission from the parent’s church of registration or/and proof of custody. No dates will be given until all paperwork is turned in and reviewed.

  1. If the godparents live in another city, is it possible to take the Pre-Baptismal Seminar at their own parish?

Yes. Just have that parish provide a letter or certificate that they have been prepared to undertake the role of godparent.

  1. When are the Pre-Baptismal Classes at Holy Redeemer?

The Pre-Baptismal classes are scheduled once a month on a Friday from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Please contact the parish office for dates and registration.

  1. When are Baptisms usually scheduled?

Baptisms are usually scheduled and celebrated during our normally scheduled weekend masses. Baptisms will not be celebrated during Lent and some dates may change, so please call the parish office to confirm the date. No baptism will be scheduled without the completed paperwork turned in and reviewed.

  1. What if my child has not been baptized and is 7 years or older?

If you have a child to be baptized who has reached catechetical age (the age of reason or 7 years), they will receive different preparation. Having the sufficient understanding, the preparation will now be for the full complement of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.

  1. What do adults that would like to be Baptized need to do?

The RCIA process is for adults and older children (7+) who feel called to join the Catholic Church.  Consider joining us for discernment, growth in prayer, and a fuller understanding of what it means to be Catholic. Please contact our Faith Formation department for more information.

  1. How much are the Baptisms?

There is no charge for Baptisms, however, we do ask for a $50 donation.

Memorialize your child's Baptism with a commemorative plaque in our Memorial Pillar.

To download and fill out the memorial pillar request form, please click HERE.


Volunteer in our Baptism Ministry! This is a delightful way to meet the newest members of our parish. Duties would include helping at the Baptism liturgy by greeting the families attending, as well as assisting the priest or deacon. Fill out the application HERE